Hello! My name is Jo-Ann and I live in Suriname. It’s a country in Latin (South) America.

My husband proposed to me in 2016 and we got married on 31 August 2018.

As you may know, wedding planning can be fun, but it’s also a lot of work! There are so many details to work out and we didn’t have a wedding planner. My parents and a special lady have a lot of experience with wedding planning so that was already a big plus because we worked with a budget.

We didn’t necessarily want a wedding theme because we didn’t want to feel restricted but that’s just us (my husband and I) 😊. We wanted everyone to feel comfortable at our wedding.

No uptight stuff but we still wanted our guests to feel like THIS is Joey & Jo-Ann’s wedding.

You know? That personal touch.

So to come up with some ideas for our wedding cake topper I used Google. That’s how I stumbled across a wooden puzzle wedding cake topper. It suited us perfectly. My husband and I get along very well but we are still two individuals who complement each other. We also didn’t want a boring guest book so we used Google again for some more ideas.

That’s when my husband saw the perfect guest book! A wooden puzzle tree guest book.

Think about it. A wooden puzzle wedding cake topper and a wooden puzzle tree guest book.

The two go together perfectly! We wanted to give our guests the feeling that they are a part of our special day by signing a puzzle piece.

[Insert picture: our wedding cake topper]

Note: The wedding cake topper was made by someone else in Suriname but you sure can ask Havoly to make you something like this.

[Insert picture: the puzzle tree guest book on a glass table]

Note: Puzzle tree guest book by Havoly

So by browsing the internet that’s how we discovered www.havoly.com

We got so excited! We placed our order for the puzzle tree guest book and within a short period of time we received our order.

But wait! My story isn’t finished yet.

Casey the owner of Havoly contacted us via email to tell us that there was a problem with FedEx.

He told us exactly what happened and that he wasn’t sure if we would receive our first order.

He also told us that he would send a second guest book to us just in case we never receive the first one. If we received both then we should notify him. In the end we received both guest books.

We notified Casey and he told us that we didn’t have to pay for the second guestbook.

Wow! 😊 We were happy and we really appreciated it!

We received both guest books in a box. Carefully packaged. Not one puzzle piece was damaged.

In the box were the puzzle pieces, one instruction sheet for the puzzle and some small surprises 😊.

Okay so the little surprises were wooden puzzle magnets. Our names and wedding date were engraved on it. We have kept 1 for ourselves and the other magnets were given as a nice memory to our parents and siblings.

We ordered our guest book without a border so we had to improvise a little bit with how we would present our guestbook and how to make it convenient for our guests to sign it.

We didn’t want to put the puzzle pieces together after the wedding because we wanted our guests to immediately understand the message when they saw the puzzle in its entirety.
So a dear friend of ours helped us to glue the entire guest book on a wooden board.

Our guests thought it was a beautiful and unique guest book. We received a lot of compliments.

Of course all thanks go to Havoly! 😊

[Insert picture: the one that is signed. We are also in this picture]

Note: Our signed guest book at our wedding reception

My mom suggested that only our parents and siblings sign the trunk of the tree to show that we have siblings and are born from our parents. The top of the tree, which are the leaves, represented our guests (family, friends, colleagues, etc.) who are also a part of our lives.

After our wedding we placed our guestbook in our living room. We want to spray a layer of varnish over it to keep it nice for a long time.

Maybe you’re wondering what we did with the second guest book? We’re still trying to figure that out but we’ll work it out. There are plenty of creative things you can do with it.

So would I recommend Havoly? Yes, I highly recommend them!

If you want to give your wedding a personal touch or something that is unique, you can contact Havoly for that. They offer a good and fast service. Their work is neat.They have treated me well as a customer. In short, they offer top quality!